
Liberation of free thinking sentients


In the begining there was fire and light and formation of crusty type things. Then came horrible slugy things, followed by big slugy things with legs. Then came a bit later Man, and after an awfull lot of begatting, begotting and begetting (not always in that order) there came me.


"So what makes you so special?" I hear you ask, well i'll tell you then, "I am ME and that is special, but I am me never at the expense of anyone else". Confused? you will be.


Let me try to explain, You as an individual are special but by being you in a collective you are more special (or more dark). The individual causeing no harm or pain to the collective only spreading joy and pleasure is the most special a person can be.


Ok so now you gotta be wondering OK so whats my collective. The answer is simple every living thing you encounter, (not includeing the French, Germans, and Argentinians (or anyone else who beats England at Soccer)).

OOOoooohhhhhhhhh shooot whats this?????????